Man assaults wife for refusing to swear before Juju Priest to prove fidelity (photos)

A Facebook user and Human Rights Activist/Lawyer, Emeka Ugwuonye shared the story of a housewife who was left severely battered, after she refused swearing before a Juju Priest to prove her fidelity, after being dragged down there by her husband.
He wrote;
"Recently, I posted here on DPA that a woman should not be forced to swear any oath before any juju doctor or babalawo to show she has been faithful. I made
that post because I have come to understand the predicament women face under such unconstitutional and evil practice.
True to my fears, we have a woman who was so badly beaten by her husband tonight because the woman refused to swear after she read my post yesterday.
You can see the picture of the woman in her battered and brutalized state. And you can compare her badly injured face with pictures she took before the beating. You will see how a beautiful and bubbling lady was dehumanizing by her own husband and almost killed just because she did not swear before a juju altar.
The woman maintains that she is a Christian and could not swear to a shrine. But the man told her to swear and die or refuse to swear and still die."Here are screenshots of the chat he had with the lady;

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